Now here’s another lunatic. Here’s a mouth-frother, here’s a bigot, here’s a stiff-necked buffoon who, in one ranting article, shows all that is wrong, footling and absurd about modern
This man is a professor at the Shanghai
And – astonishment piles on astonishment – he is a professor of psychology! A man who should have some insight into the shades and ways of thought, the grades and colors of morality, comes out instead with such an article! Every word of it in a nail in the coffin of his credibility.
Yet this is what passes for the educated in
I hold my head in my hands as I read his article. I had hoped
Look at this man, look, listen, listen and see what modern
Today, with tremendous anger, I will tell you the story of an immoral foreigner and I call upon all Chinese compatriots to get together and kick this immoral foreigner out of
Ah, the pomposity of his tone, the bluster, the arrogance. Yet this is a common thing in
And so on he goes:-
This is intolerable and this piece of garbage must be found and kicked out of
This also is another common knee-jerk phrase that most expats in
This is mere variation on the chime most expats will know well, the by-rote patter they hear when they have any complaint about the country -- ‘If you don’t like
Once, he was even shameless enough to say, "I 'm tired of her already. A cunt is a cunt. I keep her just so that I can play with her again."
Which is perfectly true. I did say that. I am not proud of it, but nor will I lie about it. And I hardly think it is a rare attitude. I am sure many guys – and women too – have slept with a person they care nothing much for merely for the pleasure.
This piece of garbage's favorite show is to use obscene and pornographic language to describe the bodies of Chinese women and how they made love. For example, "My dearest Tingting, you have a very good and beautiful body. I cannot stop thinking about your beautiful skin, your lovely, smooth and soft breasts, you sexy, smooth and fine waist, your sweet and pretty legs and arms ... oh, of course, you are so pretty, so sexy and so perfect between your legs!"
Obscene and pornographic? To tell a woman how wonderful she is? The crashing irony of this, that after lecturing me for being dismissive of the average Chinese guy’s romantic skills he shows how few he has, escapes him. To tell a woman she is pretty and sexy is obscene?
While in general Zhang Jiehai reports what I said accurately, I must take issue with his claim that I wrote Chinese men are ‘incredibly ugly.’ It is possible that he merely misunderstood me – for sure he is no thinker, no reader – but I never said anything remotely similar to this.
But what makes it intolerable for me is that this piece of garbage deliberately hurt the feelings of the Chinese national feelings in his class and he openly spoke to divide China.
And there it is again; the inability to conceive that other people might think in other ways. Ah, no such uncertainly for Zhang Jiehai, no; to him all Chinese people think the same, feel the same, are the same. Sure, when I say `Chinese guys are..’ I am `a piece of garbage’; but when he says `Chinese national feelings’ he is nothing but justified, insightful and correct.
As everybody knows, on the 15th of this month, Japanese prime minister Koizumi will visit the Yasukuni Shrine once more and thereby draw strong protests from China and many Asian countries. But this piece of garbage openly wrote on his blog on August 17 to denigrate the nationalistic feelings of the Chinese people!
And again. If I do not agree with `the nationalistic feeling of the Chinese people’ then I must be trying to denigrate China. If I do not think in the Zhang Jiehai approved manner, I must perforce be wrong.
On goes the parade of ignorance:
In the essay "The two fatal flaws of the Chinese people," I praised the Israelis for "hunting down the Nazis" at all costs and then finally sending them to hang on the Israelis' own gallows.
Now while this is true, and commendable, it has little relevance here. As I made explicitly clear in my blog, the justified target of anger is those who were guilty of crimes. Such people are the target of the Simon Wiesenthal center, and rightly so. But in China today, Japanese people in general are hated, merely for being Japanese. In any case, China’s own government suspended action against a large number of Japanese war criminals in the interests of fostering good relations between the two countries.
the Japanese would have apologized to us a long time ago and they would not dream of going to any Yasukuni Shrine.
Man, I am getting to sound as absurd as Zhang Jiehai himself. There is so much lunacy in his article that merely by replying to it I am tainted with his sickness myself. For this particular gem of nonsense I will merely point out what I said before – that Japan has apologized. And I will also ask, can one apologize for a crime one has not committed? Today’s Japanese government, after all, murdered no one. But if one can apologize for the crimes of one’s predecessors, when will the CPC apologize for the 30 to 50 million deaths it caused?
But what does Zhang Jiehai want? For today’s Japanese people to apologize for something they did not do to someone they did not harm?
He even dared to openly engaged in activities to divide China. For example, he once asked a student from Xinjiang: "Is Xinjiang really a part of China?" At the same time, he told his students any number of times: "Taiwan is really an independent country."
And once more I hold my head in my hands. I expect such knee-jerk tosh from students, but to hear it from a professor saddens me greatly. Again – how ever can China hope to become great when this is the caliber of its intellectual elite?
I am willing to listen to the person who tells me Xinjiang is part of China.
Zhang Jiehai is not willing even to countenance the opposite argument. What kind of academic will not even accept an argument that opposes his own? Well, a shit kind of academic, that’s what.
I have talked to several Muslim students from Xinjiang. They most certainly do not feel Xinjiang should be part of China. And as for Taiwan... It simply is a separate country, and there’s no possible way to deny it. Now whether it should be separate or should remain separate is a different argument. But now, today, it is separate. The Taiwanese choose their own leaders; they have their own laws, language, currency, passport. Beijing has zero direct power over Taiwan; and therefore while all sides may preserve the `one country two systems’ fiction, the fact of the matter is that Taiwan is separate. One needs look no further than the international attitude to a Taiwanese passport and a Chinese passport for the truth of that.
It is the job of an academic to try to see things as they are, not as they are wished to be. Zhang Jiehai falls at this elementary hurdle. He is not even on the lowest rung of the path to true intelligence.
For the Chinese women as well as the Chinese men, this is lively and hard-to-find education material!
Indeed. Clearly the kind of education material Zhang Jiehai is capable of producing has no merit.
He gloated: "It is very difficult for western women here. Someone like me will not even glance at a western woman. I treat them as if they are invisible. They don't exist."
This is again perhaps a misreading of my point, and I cannot really criticize Zhang Jiehai on it; after all, I am sure his English is a fuck sight better than my Chinese. Nonetheless, I was not gloating. I was merely pointing out the reality of life in China today.
On one hand, as a scholar and a man,
You are no scholar, Sir. You profane the very word. You have no claim to the title. A scholar is everything you are not. You are merely a bigot and a parasite.
I have relentlessly and directly criticized Chinese men, because I am one of them. On the other hand, I have always been reticent with respect to Chinese women, which included our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters.
In a nutshell, there it is. China man’s attitude to woman. Most thinking women would find such an attitude offensive and patronizing.
Zhang Jiehai, women do not want to be treated with kid gloves, they do not want to be put on a pedestal, they do not want to be treated as works of art. The want to be seen as equals. They do not want your offensive, patriarchal bullshit.
Especially this piece of garbage, who is in the business of an engineer of the soul, and the engineer of the soul of our elites!
And after all this, you have the gall to talk about engineering souls, my lord fool? You who clearly can only engineer the most paltry, staid and desiccated of thinkers?
I am a researcher in psychology.
The Chinese women that he dallied with are his students. Outside of China, relationships between teachers and students are strictly prohibited. But this piece of garbage used his status as teacher to deceive his inexperienced female students. We ask how such a beast can be a teacher?
Learn to read, Zhang Jiehai, learn to read. I only get involved with women after they have ceased to be my students.
Our relevant departments really ought to step in!
Ah, yes; if you do not like what someone else says, shut them down. And you call yourself an academic!
The most valuable hint is that he went to the Tianping Hotel with a female student and the room has no window. Everybody knows that very few hotel rooms have no window (I have never encountered a windowless room). When I went to check at the Tianping Hotel, they really did not have any windowless rooms.
This is perhaps the most astonishing comment of all. This man went to a location I claimed to have been to see if it existed. He sees some blog on the net and gets so righteous indignant about it that he turns himself into Sherlock Holmes. He did this; he went to the Tianping Hotel to ask them about their rooms. What a bumbling, impotent buffoon! And this is the caliber of China’s academics. This is what they worry themselves about? I am just one guy, of no especial importance, not much more or less than many expats and certainly no different to a goodly number of local men, who cheat and cog and play just as much as I do.
Listen to yourself, Zhang Jiehai, listen to yourself.
If people think that there is a foreign language teacher who fits these descriptions, or otherwise find valuable clues, please leave a comment at my blog or contact me directly via email.
Netizens and compatriots, if you are a Chinese man with guts and if you respect Chinese women, please join this "Internet hunt for the immoral foreigner"! Let us act together! I believe in the power of the Internet, because I believe in the power of the Chinese people!
I am just aghast at this. Truly, I fear for China. Not just because of the utter paucity of thinking, life, truth and honesty that typifies the Zhang Jiehais of today’s China, nor just that if he is any representative of the country's academic quality China is doomed, but also because in calling for a witch-hunt he calls for ugliness and hatred, he calls for fascism, he calls for ignorance.
Zhang Jiehai, you are a far greater danger to China than ever I could be. You spread ignorance, lies and poison; you stifle thought, freedom and intellect. You are stupidity, folly, contempt.
It is because of people like you that so many of China’s best and brightest seek education abroad. You have nothing to offer the young of today’s China but bankrupt ideas and meaningless platitudes. You drive the finest minds of China to the West. You have nothing to say. You have nothing to teach.
Poor China, to still be so hurt by her own people!
(This entry was edited after posting to correct the fact that Zhang Jiehai is a member of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, not the
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[ Ignorance]
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 211 of 211ha ha ha ha ha, you suck Chinabounder, as an American I feel relieve that we won independence from Britain, because there is no way anyone would want to be on the same level of bullshit as you. Your blog is generic, dry British humor, no text, no real content.
I agree with some of the things you said. It's ridiculous that he is starting a "hunt" for you, and a waste of effort. He must not have a lot of time on his hands.
That aside, you're not raping the girls. There shouldn't be any problem as long as your not spreading AIDs around.
Keep your cool about this whole issue though. Calling people names and telling them they're wrong doesn't prove that they're wrong.
Honestly I was surprised how some people from China are acting about this. I always thought they were level-headed. I guess they're not as calm and collected. They're just like everyone else.
Good, I like what this guy does.
He instigates fury and rage in China. Just the energy we need.
Mmm, as for dirty Western scoundrels in Shanghai, my hometown, what would I do?
Wait till the dark, stalk him, ski-mask on, slit his throat.
How to track down such scoundrels in China? Have a female friend be a bait. If he falls for it, it's his death sentence.
I would like to correct this fact that Zhang is impotent. I am a gay living in Shanghai, I am not a academic and had a great hot steamy sauna fuck 1 year ago with him.
Though I believe he is in his own fantasy world, I think if he finally came out to the world as a gay he would be normal again.
God bless all who sail in him.
No matter how pertinent your comments about that sloth prof, it doesnt exculpate yourself from the responsibilities that you are a heart broker. you v also broken a dozen cultural conventions, and your lack of understanding and tolerance of our ethical values. I dont want to give u a lecture about cultural relativism, which i predict, had i done it, it would likely to be a waste of time for a character like yourself. In Rome, do what Romans do. i suggest u reflect on that.
i have to admit that this is still a largely patriachal society, it deeply saddens me to even mention this. But dont u pretend to be like a saint or liberater when u left those ladies in such harsh states, your exortic articles about your adventure only brought them misery and dismay, not to mention the emotional distraught. you should count yourself lucky not to be sued for defamation, abuse of fiduciary relationship, cause we have such a broken legal system.
dont pretend you are anything better than that lousy professor. u think you are preaching western values, but you rather preyed on the weak and bragged about your lewd adventure, how despicable!
The most incredible thing i have noted so far via reading your blog is the vast numbers of negative comments popping up.. but strangely, it seems all those who comment are likely reading your blog regularly, suggesting that they actually enjoy your writing's. Why else read it? :P
P.S. Extreme nationalism is no way to go. we all know how that turned out before the start of WWII...
Chinabounder has obviously never heard of the Nazis, the white supremacist movement and other racist factions and forms of discrimination (stereotypes, caricatures, media) then. Everything he mentions in his reply can be said of whites - a thousand times over.
But yes, it is quite surprising to see Chinese men so pathetic over this. I'm sure they're not racist - they would be fine if there were just as many white women going out with them as vice versa. But that's nowhere near the case. In fact, it's almost impossible to see the former, while the latter is accepted as the norm. I cannot imagine one country (other than the Far Eastern ones) where the men of the majority race will simply allow minority men to have "more" of their women than the other way round... because of this, white men being white men, they have capitalised by taking advantage of the free women. There are SO MANY white men in Britain and America who want to travel to the Far East to "teach English", because they know they will get free pussy. There's no need to be rejected by women of their own race, no need to make an effort even... a white man in China on a rough day is more than enough to woo several easy Chinese women.
Maybe if Chinese women didn't worship all things white so much, that wouldn't be the case. People mention things like visas and wanting to move to the West... true to an extent, it's the reasoning behing reasonably attractive chinese women marrying absolute pigs (literally) of a husband - or a living zombie - but then there are millions of Eastern European women doing the same. One must ask how South American women, for example, escape the lure of the West and thus white men when they live in impoverished countries themselves? Similarly, I don't see African women fawning over white men. It is a Far Eastern phenomenon. SORT IT OUT. You can start with the women's obsession to have "lighter" skin. Laughable really, when white women here actively fry theirs to get a tan and look "darker".
Also worth mentioning that if I, a Chinese man in Britain, wrote bullshit about the country whilst also talking about the explicit encounters I have with the women, I would not be hounded out of here... I'd be killed. Mutilated, then killed. So it's rather civil of you guys to even think of just "kicking" him out. Pause for thought?
Also worth mentioning that if I, a Chinese man in Britain, wrote bullshit about the country whilst also talking about the explicit encounters I have with the women, I would not be hounded out of here... I'd be killed. Mutilated, then killed. So it's rather civil of you guys to even think of just "kicking" him out. Pause for thought?
Don’t talk nonsense, man. No one would care what you wrote about the UK.
Except for the aforementioned guys in my first paragraph.
We don't seem to have an equivalent in China, or even the Far East.
Else I doubt you'd still be alive... if the local nasties such as the triads or Yakuza gave a damn about their pride (and thus women) more than money, you wouldn't even be alive, let alone still residing comfortably in the Far East region.
I despair at China's education system, too. How a semi-moron like yourself managed to even get a teaching position is beyond my wildest guess. Keep on posing as an unbiased, non-racist intellectual, mate, your days are numbered.
Anonymous, John Yan-Miles wrote....
Grates me, the sum:
…same old same old….
No one cares. No one is interested in your shouty nonsense. No one sees it. No one reads it. It's all been said before. Many times.
No one comes here now. Even I only come here to weed out the spam comments for viagra and cialis. My 15 minutes was over years ago. Go find someone else to buzz at.
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