Thursday, March 22, 2007

How to get fucked in China

Now some people have cast doubt on the veracity of this blog, so today I shall set out to prove the truth of it. For getting fucked in China is easy. The motherland offers endless ways to get the fucking of your life, a fucking more or less unimaginable in another country, and all you have to do is know where to look. So I’m going to share some of that information with you.

The first thing to decide is who you are. Once you’ve done that, you will know where to find the best fuck possible. Below, a few categories to get going:-

· Miner. Current death toll in China’s mines: about 6000 a year. But if you’re poor and have muscles it’s an easy way to make some money. At the mercy of unscrupulous mine owners, and a conniving, corrupt government, down the mine you go. Feed your family. Send a kid to school. Get your parents the healthcare they need to stay alive. Get fucked. Crushed, gassed, drowned, burned or exploded. Plenty of choice. And not in mines alone – countrywide, an average of 320 people are killed at work every single day.

· Patient. Now you’re at the mercy of doctors who overprescribe expensive drugs to turn a fast buck. At the mercy of hospital administrators who’ll let you die in front of them if you can’t afford their fee. At the mercy of the crooks and thieves who (once more with rapacious CPC officials’ assistance) produce vast quantities of fake drugs. Money! If you threw Zheng Xiaoyu a few dollars, when he was head of China’s State Food and Drugs Administration, you could get a license to produce your own medicine. Before he took over, fewer than a hundred producers got this license. Afterwards, more than two thousand. So take your choice; a fake sugar pill that doesn’t alleviate your symptoms or a poison confection that gives you a whole new set. But China can screw better than that – why fuck individuals when you could fuck the whole country? Take the fake anti-rabies drugs blithely produced by the unscrupulous and greedy, no matter that rabies is currently China’s most infectious disease. And why fuck the whole country when you could fuck the whole planet? Take Tamiflu, a drug that may help stop the next global avian flu pandemic. Tons of it, fake, streaming out of China. But so what? As long as someone makes money, what if 50 million die as the disease spreads unchecked by fake medicine?

· Farmer. Think you have any right to your land? Think again. Expect to be forced off it when the local party guy sells it to a developer. If he’s a commie with a conscience you may get a few thousand yuan share of his millions before he sends in the police to beat you away – or maybe shoot you. Take the village of Dongzhou, for example, where police shot and killed villagers protesting about their land being stolen. How many? The police admit to three, the villagers say 20. But given China’s prowess in such fuckery, who do you believe?

· Student. Assuming you can come up with the bribe to get into university in the first place, there are plenty of ways to get a good fucking here, and the simplest of all is forced sex with your tutor if you’re a cute girl. But how about if you live in northwestern China where, year after year, education leaders shut the schools at harvest time and sent the pupils to work eight to twelve hours a day in the fields? A good hard fuck there for the 18 year old who fell off a tractor and was crushed to death. And what about dancing school that sent 22 of its 15 to 16 year old pupils halfway across the country to work as prostitutes? What of the middle school teacher who forced two sassy girls to drink a bottle of 50% proof alcohol (after which they had to go to hospital) and then beat the boy who stood up for them? Or what about the kids of poor migrant workers? Snobby cities like Shanghai don’t provide education for them, but when the parents set up their own school for the kids, what happens? Shanghai closes it down. So goodbye Jianying Hope School, shut down after 11 years of giving education to poor kids when no-one else would; just one more recipient of the colossal fuck power of China.

· Woman. You get some of the finest fucking China has to offer. Sure, I am doing my best to bed as many of the female population as I can. But I am as nothing to the mighty shafting power of the motherland. Let’s move past the big fact that China has the world’s highest rate of female suicides, and focus on a small fact – Yang Dongyan. He was a farmer who, looking to make a buck, bought a woman (for women are livestock too in China) so that he could sell her on as a bride, making a nice profit. But then he met a pal who told him the woman would be worth more dead. Dead, she could be sold as a ‘ghost bride’ to the family of a recently-deceased bachelor to accompany him as a wife in the next world. And so he murdered her and sold her for a nice 400 dollar profit.

· ‘Ethnic Minority’ – or, as we might also call you, a colonized captive, a slave in your own country, a victim. You’re from Tibet? From Xinjiang? Best to dig a hole and bury your culture in it, for your Chinese overlords won’t let you embrace it – expect to parade you in your national costume at the big Party pow-wows, poor performing bear that you are. Want to learn your own language in school? Want to know the true history of your country? Then bend over for a good CPC shafting. Your country is occupied territory held by force, by might, by anger, a tracked and stretchmarked body, the big pain that leaves you raw, like opened ground. Don’t ever forget it.

· The environment. Ah, now you, dear darling environment, are getting the biggest shafting of all. No wine and roses for you, just straight up against the wall fucked. Oh, did you think the sweet words from Beijing were true? That whispered seduction of ‘In 2006 we’re going to reduce energy consumption per unit of GDP by 4%?’ So naïve of you! It’s the oldest line of all – ‘I care’ - and you fell for it! How did you feel the morning after when you realized consumption increased? How did you feel about those 12 billion tonnes of industrial waste water just in the first half of last year? 70% of your rivers and lakes polluted? But I suppose you must be used to it, ranking 100th out of 118 developing countries in terms of environmental care.

· A hooker. Now you might think you were getting fucked enough already, what with having to screw any guy with a handful of loose change and bored with his wife. But not so; if you were a hooker in Shenzhen, for example, you recently got fucked good some more when the police rounded a bunch of you up and paraded you in public, reading out your names over loudspeakers.

· A religious believer. Now, sure, if you believe in god you’re deluded. But if your lunatic delusion is of the christian flavor, and prompts you to get together your own religious gathering outside a state-sanctioned church then you’ll better break out the KY and condoms, since you’re going to get it good. As, for example, the nine priests arrested recently for having the temerity to pray in a place that had not been designated as a church by the government. But better to embrace the absurdities of christianity rather than those of falun gong. If you adhere to that particular brand of lunacy, then you can look forward to arrest, a good beating, and then disappearing from site. And that’s just the beginning, that’s just the foreplay. What comes next? Having your organs removed in an army hospital to be sold to the highest bidder, that’s what. China, say thank-you to Japan, say thank-you to Unit 731. They taught you a good lesson, huh? What an eager pupil you prove to be!

· Countryside resident. China has 900 million people in its countryside. Ninety percent of them lack adequate pensions and healthcare. Get this: a survey across China’s provinces found that nearly 70% of elderly people had just one set of clothes. Countrywide, also, only 25% of China’s workers are covered by a pension plan. Best to die before you retire – or else you’ll be fucked by the double whammy of poverty and the neglect of your kids as they zip off to the city to worship the god cash. And yet there are billions of dollars for the vain frippery of putting men in space, billions for the useless expo, billions for the shiny high speed train in Shanghai that doesn’t even work properly and billions upon billions for the army. Yes, China is so enamored of fucking its people that it would rather buy more guns and bombs than a change of clothes for its elderly.

· A journalist – But of course! The greatest enemy in China is the truth, so you guys are in for a particularly good fucking. Still, you’ll have plenty of company – China’s had the highest number of journalists in prison in the world for the last eight years in a row. You deserve it, of course, you journalists. Trying to tell the truth, what arrogance! How foolish of you to think your nation cared about such a trivial matter. And maybe prison is lucky, for you could get fucked as good as reporter Lan Chongzheng, who was beaten to death for asking too many questions about unsafe mines.

· A doctor with a conscience. Consider Doctor Gao Yijie. Under surveillance. Under house arrest. Monitored. Watched. Harassed. Why? Because she showed concern for China’s AIDS patients, many tens of thousands of whom contracted HIV (and thousands more Hepatitis) from blood-selling in the 1990s. What happened? Poor farmers were urged to take part in a scheme where they gave a pint of blood, useful ingredients were extracted, and a pint was put back in. But that returned pint came from the common stock, jumbled in the common box, which was not screened. The result today? Henan Province’s ‘ghost villages’ where most people have died. Consider this:- 300,000 infected with AIDS between 1994 and 1995 alone. The few who are still alive will be dead soon. How many officials or doctors have been punished for this? None. Only those who try to do something about it get fucked. Think of someone else, think of Wan Yanhai. He tried to speak up. Idiot. Bend over, Wan! How about ‘Snow Lotus’ an AIDS awareness group, funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, whose members were harassed by police after they tried to act over 19 kids who had were expelled from school when it was found they had Hepatitis B?

· A blogger. Want to write something anonymously? No way. You have to register with your real name and details. Chinabounder? Oh, they don’t care about foreigners like me. I can do what I want. It’s China’s own people who get fucked by its government. The CPC doesn’t care about me; I am no captive, no prisoner, no helot. I get all the freedom I want in China. It is the Chinese who are kept in ignorance by their wrathful, watchful, suspicious masters. Take Zhang Ming, who was dean of political sciences at Renmin University – was dean, until he was fired for suggesting on his blog that there was too much bureaucracy at the university, suggesting that those in power were appointed for their party connections instead of academic ability. You’d have thought that someone who had got as far as he had knew better than to tell the truth. But that’s how the fucking goes, that is why it is the Chinese who lack freedom in their own nation, kept shut in the dark. Shut in the dark as they increasingly are, as one by one the CPC switches off the lights of the internet. Blogspot, for example, was becoming something too free and truthful. Chinese people – horrors – were beginning to express themselves and – worse! – read the opinions of others, opinions that did not ‘stand where the Party stands’ (those are the words of Luo Gan, one of China’s most powerful men, on the nature of truth). The site is now blocked in China, many blogs far better than mine inaccessible to those lacking the tech skills to get round the great firewall. But so skilled is the government at the lies attendant on a skilful fucking that should you ask them about this they will tell you, ‘We do not censor the internet’ – and will tell it cool and calm, not a blink nor twitch. For they are the most practiced of liars.

· Migrant Worker. For you as for women, as for the environment, an Olympic style screwing beckons. Gold, Silver, Bronze, you’ll always get one. So many ways to get shafted here. What does it matter that you are the people more than any others who have built modern China? How about Wang Jianchang and Liu Yuanping who, when they asked to be paid their wages, were fired, taken to the police station, and put in hand and leg irons? And for women migrants there’s a double dose – 20% of you get fired as soon as you become pregnant.

· In need of financial help. Expect charity and kindness? Know what you’ll get instead? Only one percent of the ten million registered firms in China have ever donated to charity. Eighty percent of the China Charity Foundation’s revenues come from overseas, and just 20% from China. China, where the lucky few who own 80% of the country’s wealth contribute less than 15% of all monies donated to charity. China, whose charities get 0.05% of GDP. Even mean old Britain is better at 0.88% and the USA a shining example at 2.17%. Let’s put that another way. Per capita income in the US is 40 times higher than China – but donations to charity are 1000 times higher. Best not to be poor in China.

….think that is the end of the fucking? It is scarcely the beginning.


Anonymous said...

You forgot "Taiwanese". Granted, it's still in the midst of the very prolonged foreplay, but once that fucking gets going, it's going to be the most Earth-shatteringly hard fucking in a long, long time.

Anonymous said...

sounds like someone needs to get laid.

Anonymous said...

Then why don't you bloody do something to help out, instead of tarring everyone with the same brush, boasting about your sexual exploits, and denigrating just about everyone else? Because clearly you don't care--you just like to complain and pretend you care. You can list all the egregious crimes you want--they are certainly appalling--but don't kid yourself: you're not reporting these for journalistic or altruistic reasons--you're doing so basically to excuse yourself and compensate for your own sexually predatory 'dirty old man' behaviour. It is a power trip: unable to engage in a mature and healthy relationship/friendship with women from your own cultural background and standing (who can see you eye to eye, so to speak), you instead exploit your privileged status as a 'Westerner' (and the perceived cultural/intellectual superiority that goes along with it) in a developing country to manipulate a culturally 'backward' racial Other for your own sexual gratification, under the pretense of helping these women 'fight the system', free themselves from their 'mind forg'd manacles', and consensually discover their 'sexual' potential. (You see, it's very easy to generalize, as I'm doing so with you.) And you don't really want the situation to improve because, god forbid, then all the young girls would wise up to your kind, and realize how creepy it is to sleep with a teacher or dirty old man just because he's white and so 'eloquent' and 'forward' ('fuck this', 'fuck that'), and you'd have to scurry off to some other part of the developing world where girls are 'easier'. Parasite. Mais ca suffis--basta et a bientot. On n'embrasse pas.

Anonymous said...

go ahead...i have to admit that what chinabounder said is true...

nanheyangrouchuan said...

Chinabounder should have included "chinese employees of foreign companyies: After bribing, turning tricks and busting your ass to get into then graduate a name brand Chinese university, you get to work Wall Street consulting hours for convenience store pay. And if you happen to catch the eye of the foreign manager, you'll get to see the inside of his office after hours, but you'll be on your back or bent over something while you are looking around. Pregnancy is your problem. How to tell your spouse? Your problem. Foreigner has an STD? That's right, your problem."

Anonymous said...

'I'm going to shock you', I'm going to 'tell all', I'm going to get the miserable 'truth' out. Sure, as a developing world, China has massive problems, abuses, misconceptions, and hurdles to overcome--everyone knows. How is that 'shocking'? Who's CB kidding? Besides, every country has good and bad.

CB's only doing this whole tired China rehash for his own titillation, so that, once again, he can feel superior. Because, let's face it, he doesn't really care and he doesn't really want to help in any constructive way. He doesn't want things to get better in China, because then he wouldn't have pool of 'naive' young girls to exploit. In the West, CB would be sacked for sexual harassment.

It's CB's hypocritical moral outrage and exploitation of his privileged status for his selfish sexual gratification that's offensive (assuming, of course, he's not making it all up--since it does read like laughable cliched porn).

He's basically another parasitic Western sex tourist. Nothing wrong with consensual promiscuity between adults of similar maturity and on similar footing. But that's clearly not what's going on here. With CB, it's a power/ego trip. The same kind of rhetoric abusers always use with their victims/prey: 'they were willing'. And if that's what makes you tick, fine. But at least be honest and stop kidding everyone with the whole cultural critique thing. Have some guts, man.

Anonymous said...


you have taken basically everything that blows in my face as being wrong with China today and stated it in its awful truth. Much respect.

Anonymous said...

'in its awful truth. Much respect'--oh come off it, mate. You're either naive, or having a laugh (i suspect the latter). You want genuine and constructive stuff, go to websites like amnesty, tibet, hric (human rights in china), etc. You want balanced reporting, go to the news. You want something genuinely 'shocking': East European sex slavery and underground human trafficking in a first-world country like Britain. Does it mean Britain is crap? No. Problems exist everywhere and they just have to be tackled.

Likewise, I'll give CB some credit and assume he's doing this for laughs--because he isn't serious: he's either a fantasist, or a hypocritical/parasitical sex tourist who knows it. If that's what makes CB tick, so be it--plenty men like him. But this he ain't: he ain't honest, he ain't caring, he ain't shocking, and he ain't real provocative or witty. This ain't balanced reporting, this ain't constructive charity. It's a silly smokescreen. Get some guts, man, and quit the phony moral outrage and dumb cultural critique. If you're going to do it, do it right and do it for the right reasons.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous above, exactly what do you disagree with? Do you think that if you want to get good medical care in China, you don't have to bargain with your doctor? That migrant worker abuse in China isn't profound? That China doesn't treat its rural citizens like 4th rate trash? All of these are major problems in China.

"Every country has its problems." Yes -- but China has bigger problems, and more of them, than any other of the major countries on the planet.

Gingro said...

Hi Chinabounder. Plenty of what you said is true for sure, but as others have already commented there's plenty more that's good as well.

Whilst it's certainly not my right to tell you how to live your life, I agree with an earlier post that if you really care about these kind of things you should do something to help.

Anonymous said...

Delivery's lacking, alas. Not your best article to date.

暗黑的卡夫卡 said...


The amount of fucking you know about China either means that you do care about China, or you just want to laugh at China's shortcomings as a developing nation.

But then, if China is a better place, how the hell would you be able to get chicks left and right?

You won't come here if will get no chicks but your left and right hand instead in America/Europe eh?

Anonymous said...

Re CB: he ain't interesting, that's my point. He wants to shock and titillate, but it's either cliched porn prose or it's drama queen indignation and phoney moral outrage. China's got massive problems and abuses--sure, but why is that shocking? So does Zimbabwe, Iraq, Palestine, etc. It's important to report these abuses, but they're not shocking precisely because these are troubled regions in the world. We're appalled and angered, but we're not surprised. CB's just an old pasty drama queen and a pretty sorry-looking 42-yr old sleaze (if that's really his age). He doesn't really give a damn--he's just using these 'shocking' facts as a smokescreen--to make himself feel and look better. If he really cares, then he'd do something to try and help the people around him. And rather than slamming everyone (no pun intended), he'd try to look for constructive solutions. But he's just an arrogant, small-minded, rabid, pretentious sexual parasite and vulture. And this is part that really cracks me up: he's not even a wickedly good sleaze or rake or cad: he's more Newt Gingrich than slick Willy Clinton, more George Costanza than Clark Gable, more bumbling John Prescott than a devil-may-care fun-loving Bond. And even Prescott at least can throw a good punch. CB? He's the lecherous little weasel in the corner nursing his glass of warm milk while the big boys are drinking Young's. Oh, except we didn't like him, so we kicked his sorry arse over to China.

thedacs said...

Bah! There I was hoping for some tips (And pics) if I ever made it to China and all I get is a long list of how the State will feck you over.
All very interesting but not what I was expecting, although it doesn't look so sus at work it has to be said.
Fear not women of China, i'm a happily married man now and will just have to accept that my chance has passed.

unfuel the planet said...

wow .. i laughed a lot reading this post

Anonymous said...

come on! chop chop! where's your next blog you bounder you

Anonymous said...

Yeah. China is messed up. I've read about most of those things you discussed. Of course, you're only taking into account the extreme cases. I've been to China and have befriended people that have been screwed by the Chinese system. I also know people that have benefitted from it.

But if you're in Thailand, why do you still care to talk so much about China? Do you think what you are doing now will ever truly make up for what you could not personally fulfill in the past?

Now that you're outta China, why don't you post some pics or video of some of these chicks you're banging? Your blogs are only well written.

A lot of these folks in China don't really have the privilege to choose where they want to be in life. Even though they might be getting "fucked" or "shafted", at least their quality of life is not dictated by some sort of inferiority complex or self-hatred Quit talking trash about these people and quit kicking people when they're down. Go home and be a man and deal with your woman problems!

Anonymous said...

people may get fucked anywhere, not only china, rite? that why everyone is working so hard, try not to be fucked. people get fucked in china because they think they would not if they did nothing bad, the fact is if u do not good enough, u will get fucked, obviously.

Anonymous said...

To quote you a couple posts ago -

"I wonder if China will remember the last 200, 300, years of misery Africa has been through? Remember a hundred years of Chinese misery? I say, Why?"

Why is it that the suffering of the Chinese people that you dismissed then should suddenly be so important?

Frankly, any point you try to make is rendered somewhat inane by the utter contempt you have shown for China. The contempt you have shown for their history, their culture and, perhaps most of all, their women.

I have nothing wrong with ripping into someone's government, but in this particular context, it all seems fake and it all seems very, very disdainful.

I'm going to venture a guess that you're pissed about your country losing Hong Kong.

Anonymous said...

You are right.

We are fooled,but the worst is somebody who is fooled not even noticed being fooled.

BTW,the (respectable) doctor you mentioned is Doctor Gao Yaojie(高耀洁),not Gao Yijie.

Anonymous said...

Its very easy: "Cunts are still running the World" - nothing else and China makes no exception.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... Truth or not.... Yes it is truth, but not all the truth. China is like a Moon, with dark and bright side.

I have been to China 4 times and I never met that "dark side of China". At the same time my Chinese friends are laughing hearing than China is the most beautiful country in my personal opinion. They love China, but not government.

So, I rather agree with Author, dark side of China's described quite well. But there are two and even more :) sides of China. It is truth as well.

Anonymous said...

More reason to hate them.

Anonymous said...

easy to see you think you're hot with the ladies. it's easy for everyone else to see you're a lonely, insecure emasculated person with little self-confidence. your ego is standing in the way of you realizing that no one's interested in the fact that you managed to pick up a girl among millions who wouldn't look twice at you. no one's impressed by you.

i meet so many white boys who come back from asia where girls innocently pay the exotic foreigner lots of attention, and then they try to hit on asian american girls with some of that new confidence they got in asia, and get laughed into a corner. you're just like every other insecure white guy in asia. nothing special. and don't think just because most people in asia are too polite to tell you to your face, that they don't think the same thing.

dr. adder said...

RICHARD (whose Blogger Profile cannot be displayed) I thought CB was doing something to help by drawing people's attention to the corruption and hypocrisy inherent in China. I agree there is a lot that is good in China but that doesn't mean we should ignore the bad. It is the bad that needs to be weeded out, not the good - there are plenty of other web sites and news media extolling the virues of China, so why duplicate it here?

dr. adder said...

ChinaBounder - what do you think of this report:

It may be a man's world still but one part at least is about to become exclusively woman's.

A district in China will be renamed 'Woman Town' - with strict rules that whatever women want, they get.

And disobedient men will be punished, either with wooden boards or menial chores.

Anonymous said...


I think you are witnessing one of the great social movements of history, something approximately like a Chinese version of the urban sexual revolution of the late 1950's and early 1960's in the USA.

I think the transition from a society dominated by lies and hypocrisy to one of ( relative ) truth is going to be very difficult and painful for China in the next 20 years. Westerners need to realize that China is a country where many still retain the memory of people dying in the street of starvation. And food trumps sex by miles. Many Chinese are still afraid of too much change too soon. But they have a long way to go toward truth in virtually every social category. I think need to move very quickly to prevent worse from happening in the not distant future.

Re: the ladies, in a society devoted to perpetuating the myth of a family-centric erotic austerity for women, sexuality becomes an expression of a Chinese woman's power over her circumstances.

In that light, I must say that you don't seem to understand how ruthlessly the Shanghai dragon ladies are exploiting you for sex ( you poor slob ). My own approach with Chinese women is considerably less sophisticated than yours, I come on like a primitive hairy-chested barbarian animal, that gets them all turned on, they love it. :-)

So, strike another blow for the revolution, keep up the good work.

Here's quote from one of my favorite authors, maybe yours too ?

There are very few human beings who receive the truth, complete and staggering, by instant illumination. Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic.

- Anais Nin

Anonymous said...

Thx 4 uncovering the evils in China.. I appreciate ur honesty alot. However, not all things in my country are bad, not all the people are devils or victims. there r still some people keeping their minds clear...

about this from ur diary - "Chinese people – horrors – were beginning to express themselves and – worse! – read the opinions of others, opinions that did not ‘stand where the Party stands’" ...
as u might know, we chinese students receive quite a few stuffy, useless courses on politics. That is, the government wants 2 use education to force the "right" opinions on us. Nearly all the students in China have to be stuffed with masses of political ideas such as the advantages of communism, the superiority of a socialistic government, the cosmopolitan tendency to communization and so on. Formalism has rooted in most students' mind...errrr, to tell the truth, I’ve been fed up. I love my country, but I’m not a puppet of the Party... 2 much about this..

but what I'm trying 2 say is DON'T LOSE YOUR FAITH IN LIFE, OR EXACTLY YOURSELF. u r a teacher, right? Try to show the truth to as many students as u can. do a favour for me...
I read about the NEW GIRL in ur blog before. I guess u cared a lot about human rights, social justice or life... I really want u 2 help us know some truth...

Unknown said...

everybody is fucked in china no matter who you are....

i can't see anything, or anyone will stop it...they don't realise that they are fucked or if they know, they will try to be the fucker so they can fuck others.

When every single chinese learns that they should turn their anger towards their compressive communist government rather than to 'bloody' japs, they will start, finally, learn that they are fucked.

The reason why they want your head rather than care about how many people died in mining incidents or how many farmers killed themselves because they couldn't afford to build their own homes is they are just a bunch of idiots. Ackownleding their own 'mother' state tortures them more than you did is such a pain. They couldn't bear that in their mind. What can you expect from a bunch of idiots who were heavily brainwashed and know nothing about justice and equality?

In a soceity like china with the tradition of no respect to equality and laws, people are seperated into different, who cares about farmers, hookers, patients and HIV victims? They are just the bottom of the society,,,no body cares...everybody eyes on how to climb to the top and how to be the next rulers...

it's the curse from ruler said he will change the country and spread equality and wealth,,,but he is just another empire...if one person can be an empire with all the power, why the hell would he care about people who struggle in the bottom????

No Mercy. I don't even think chinese can spell 'Mercy' right.

i don't know when and how this whole nightmare will stop. i just hope, people like you will still be doing what you're doing and did not feel offended when those idiots said they wanted your head off. A lot of chinese people who are just innocent victims need people like you. They need help from outside and they need a voice. And people who are at the edge of wakening need you to tell them what the truths are and how it feels when there is justice.

btw,,,i'm a chinese.

Anonymous said...

I agree that in the past ChinaBounder has unfairly been critical of Chinese - especially Chinese men.

However, those of you criticising him here are missing the bigger picture: there was a nation wide man-hunt to find him because he has consensual sex and writes about it.

Every criticism of China posted this year has been aimed at showing how those who wanted to hunt him down and kill him were hypocritical. Every injustice that they let pass them by, but consensual sex stories make them see red. Let us hope that those who were chasing him before, read these recent posts and understand his point.

An aside:
Directing China's fury at the government might serve short-term justice, but what is the alternative?

Blogging corruption and injustices is important work. Supporting those few brave journalists who report despite the risks. And making sure that the government knows that it is in their interests to continue to put pressure on corruption.

The step from rampant corruption to peaceful democracy is not one step, I fear.

sni-pe-nis said...

fuck you!
you are as disgusting as chinese goverment.
i'm in china,getting here not register with my real name and details, not use a proxy, so you are a liar!

Anonymous said...

I think I should make the same lovely blog as yours but Beijing version.

Anonymous said...


Blogspot is sometimes blocked by the great firewall of China, but at the moment it isn't. That is how you are here. But it often is, which is why the blog talks about proxies.

Anonymous said...

fuck your mother

Anonymous said...

whoa...that was a read...

Anonymous said...

Hey Chinabounder,

I'm rather surprised that I can read your blog again in fucking China after nearly one year!

What you've said is very true! I've been living here for 20 years. You lead me to see China from a totally different perspective! Mille Mercis!!

Dude, you are damn knowledegeable!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
skyway said...

totally a white trash

Anonymous said...

Fuck you!

Anonymous said...

shut up your fucking mouth!!
dead man!!

High Power Rocketry said...

Brilliant and great post. I am from American (USA). Thank you.

Orango said...

sad to accept that, but true to some extend

hoxaod said...

good fucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

your mother is a bitch, sleeping with fremde is so intressting for her... Do you know,who your father is? Alschloch!
Chinese girl played you and got your money, That make you still lordly? Your are bugger!

Anonymous said...

The truth is, that chinese girls get your money and fuck you.

Poor silly man~~~

you have the face, that everyone wants to fuck you.

lillian wu Shunde polytechnic said...

so a long arttocle !

Anonymous said...

3. Prince Charles had an affair and his wife Dianna died in Paris.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder if this chinabounder is an angry Chinese young man, who would be on of those TAMS event students........

Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant "who would be one of those TAMS event students........ "

Unknown said...

When I found this blog, it seems a little bit late, the latest mesage was written in March. Don't know if this message will be read...

Fist of all I have to say that Chinabounder keep running into the same kind of girls.

They are girls from the middle clasee, you can barely say that. None of the girls I know will "dress up" like a bird pretend to be one of a better class and hanging around in a public coffee shop doing nothing waiting to be picked up all day.

You might say some of them had nice jobs, some of them were college students. But class is class, I am sure as an "British" Chinabounder can understand what I meant. You might have a lot of cash in bank and other things worth showing off, but you will live with your class all your life. You are what you came from.

I didn't mean these girls were cheap because they didn't come from a better class. No, I just meant they merely got no chance to explore more when they were stuck in their social positions. They got less frreedom than any other persons from classes below them or above them.

These girls Chinabounder mentioned are acutally at the bottom of the middle class, they just believe white guys in China are all belongs to the middle upper class they can't get in. In their mind these white guys are the "upper class." Ones come from the top.

To be continued.........

Anonymous said...


As I said above, when white guys become ones from the top class, in their mind things will be different. Since they don't have much freedom all those tricks are new to the world as far as they know. Sleep with a white guy could be something fasionable and exotic.Something only happens once or twice in your life time. They want to take this advantage when they are still young and fresh.

When Chinabounder keep sleeping with the same group of girls, he believe this is the whole world. He beleive this little piece of China he sees is China herself.

I just want to point out that when you think China is so big and complex then it could be a world herself. Then you might need to think twice, in China there are worlds that will never come across.And his little world in China will never come across with those worlds of the majority of other Chinese people.

His world in China is only limited with the average lower middle class females. He can't even contact classes at the bottom.

I don't know how well Chinabounder can communicate in Chinese, weather he is good enough to read in Chinese. If you can't extend your little world maybe you should read. (Perhaps not only texts from your little lovers.)

All that little pieces Chinabounder got from the elsewhere about China is not precise enough to support any intellectual systems.

But at the end if Chinabounder is in his early 20s, I am impressed by his blog, if he is in late 20s, he is just above the average, if he is in his early 30s or older than that, I have nothing to say.

Learning takes time, when you have spent more than 30 years in this world and this is all you got. I have nothing better to say.

For further discussion


Anonymous said...

Chinabounder, your blog is a good read. It may be lacking in moral fibre, but the comments more than make up for that. ;)

Anonymous said...

open your mind and see what's the truth. from my personaly opinion, as a chinese, u r just a inferior white man who has never got a chance to learn what's moral standard, u r just a fucking chicken boy palying fucking boring word game to fool those fucking under-educated old white men just like u. dont pretend u r everything, u r nothing, even feel shamed to mention your teacher status, show me your pic and tell me the company r u working in china, i will definitely let u know how my country looks like, with a much more rational and moral way. fuck u and those u represent, again!

Stand builder YoHo Expo said...

On my mind, you're only a sneak. Your mind is so narrow,human being is same. Why you only critisize Chinese girls?
I think you 've never been loved deeply by a girl. You only wank when you need it.

Anonymous said...

He's only a poor guy with twisted dark mind
let he be
soon he'll be a piece of rotten fresh meet
fuck ur father's ass hole!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There's a lot of truth in CB's latest post. The PRC royally fucks its citizens. If Chinese people would prefer to ignore this, and instead attack the writer, then they are the only losers. We foreigners can go home whenever we want, after all... why should we care what happens in China?

The truth is, a lot of Westerners do care, and Chinabounder is one of them.

JonathanNEW90018000 said...

Chinabounder, all the greater evils of the Chinese society cannot excuse you from the moral wrongs of your predatory sexual exploits on young women who look up to you just because you are a white guy.

Every criticism you have of China is only a clever attempt to preserve your own moral integrity as a sex predator in front of your students and to self-rationalize and justify your personal lacking in moral fibre.

Stop all the rhetoric and hypocrisy. Both the kettle and pot are as “black” or as the Chinese saying goes: wu shi bu xiao yi bai bu.

You are just a white guy who can’t make a better living in your own home country and had to come here to work as a teacher. The truth is the young girls are not yet wised up to the white trash that you are.

There’s talk of a possible book deal… or hey, maybe even a movie deal!

Well, 1 billion Chinese are waiting to find out who you are… we are looking forward to this event with gleeful anticipation.

Meantime, all you girl students who recognize yourself or friends in Chinabounder’s blogs would do a service to us all by shortening this wait by simply giving a little anonymous tip-off to CCP or “gong an” so we can all thank you in our own Chinese ways for bringing our social mores to a world audience.

dr. adder said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dr. adder said...

Saluting the strong-willed mothers of June 4 victims.

Anonymous said...

Hey, what's up with your new posting? get murdered?

Anonymous said...

it's time to say something new, wake up!

Anonymous said...

white trash,go back to u fucking country and fuck ur mother! u son of a bitch!!!!! u're soooooo fucking sick!

Anonymous said...

fuck the fucking stupid fucking guy like you :) I'm so happy! hahaha

Anonymous said...

what the fucking bullshit! go back to your fucking country.
are you feel uncomfertable coz china is such a great country, do you think what u'v said can change this.fucking stupid. listen !just go back to your fucking country.that place just produced fucking stupid like you.

Anonymous said...

do you know what is real china. do you know what means great. if not, then just shut up!you have no place to judge it coz you only a fucking stupid dog comes from a fucking stupid country!傻B!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey you!do you know that once you come to this country to work you have to admit that you are only a poor beggar working so hard for money.what you'v say is so funny coz you just editing a opear that actor is you,those hooker are actresses.every country has hookers and you, you can only sleep with hookers, how can you think that it is worth to be pround with???what a shame, not only for you but also for you country!

Anonymous said...

Fuck off! You are such an asshole.

Anonymous said...

you are a total loser, no matter whereever you are. you are shit, so the people you meet are shit too. don't talk about shit.

Anonymous said...

r these new written in 2007!!????
why continue this stupid dairy...

Anonymous said...

so u r just angery
after all these ..fears or whatever gone.

before criticize anything
can u just apologize for the sin u did?
or only once to feel sorry for the girls u hurt?

u did hurt them.
do u think everything in ur mind is absolutely right?
unfortunately this kinda thinking itself is wrong.

i dont deny all the things u argued.
i dont wanna argue.
the point is
what we discussed is about u...
not china
dont try to shift the topic to cover ur sin....

even if we assume all u said is right, u make use of all this to hurt the girls?

who u think u are?

look into mirror
dont u feel u look sad and lonely?

is the most important thing in ur life?

if u are in the darkness
can u find anyone who can hold ur hands
give u warmness and remove all the fear and upset?

there's only coldness wet...dark..
endless dark that u cannot tell if u're closing ur eyes or not....

No one is there

maybe that's why u always wanna more and more girls


one day when u get very old...
standing in front of the mirror
who will be the image beside u?
there's empty
feel sorry for u...

do u know
ur hands never feel warm....
always cold.


Anonymous said...

reply to chinabounder: Many ways to get Fucked in the United States, Without Orgasm


1. Students- Students are becoming more and more stupider thanks to our zero-funding educational system. Their future has been fucked, and compromised, without orgasm. Small time public colleges is accepting anyone with a gpa of 0.1 or more and a combined sat score of 30. And if you are a good hard working student, guess what, you are fucked, because of affirmative action, black kids will grab your spot while they lean like a cholo.

2. Small business owners- These group of people are more likly to get a even better fuck, without orgasm. Put it this way, if you can hold on to your small business for more than 3 month without losing money, you are good. The current economy is a big group fuck while no one is getting orgasm. Big corporations pretty much controls everything and they decide what position you should get fucked. Not to mention credit agencys that really wants to have a big fuck with you because some how their fucked up system offers no entry to poor people. If you don't have money you will never get credit, you will never be able to get a loan, you will never be able to get a phone, you will never be able to establish credit because you have no credit. oH wait! you just got pre-fucking-approved with a 29.99% apr card with $50 credit limit and $40 set up fee and $40 one time fee and $30 processing fee and $60 you-are-fucked fee from capital fucking one bank. Sounds wierd to a lot of people but thats how banks wanna fuck with high schoolers and young college goers. Once you take a student loan you are fucked for the next decade. OH WAIT, You have finialy established some credit but you just missed one payment. your credit card went form 12% to 39% and they will tell you that in a mail after 2 fucking month.

3. Minorities - Minorities are the biggest one to get fucked multiple times without orgasm. The dominate white race looks down on minorities, its funny how americans invaded and killed and forced native americans to go into controled reservations and claim that AMERICAN IS OURS NOW. what a bounch of savages. Then they started to import NEGROS from africa to do all the dirty work. Before that it was the italian americans who were the lowest form of humans. Now its 50 decades later and nothing has changed. Italian has moved up the food chain leaving Negros and Hispanics at the bottom. Japanese has sucked enough dicks to get to the upper level while forgetting their how their mothers were fucked double ways in a camp during world war two. Chinese Americans really made some move to become the model minority only to find out how we got fucked by the white people making fun of us on tv by saying, ching ching ching nigger ching.

4. THE FUCKING ARMY- or the navy or whatever dude, are hardcore fucked, without orgasm of course. In Iraq. Fighting a war which IS NOT FUCKING benefical to 老子的钱包 at all. What the fuck was BUSH thinking when he sent his men to fucking middle east to get fucked while he KNOWNLY staged all this shit? We all know that you and bin are friends, and he is probably fucking with your wife right now in the oval office. But what you think we don't know is, that you staged 911, you staged CIA info, you staged everything. You fucking retard, so i guess BUSH is the biggest pimp of all times, he pimped many sons and daughters of the great fucking nation we call A-MERIKA to get fucked in IRAQ.

5. gas - everytime i visit the gas station, i felt like joining an anal rape group with NO PROMISE OF ORGASM.

Anonymous said...

---To the anonymouses and all the other dogs of the Chinese government, please back off! !
You know Chinabounder has laid out
the truths about hideous China and
hideous Chinese people, therefore
stop directing the sincere readers's attentions away from the
truths of the hideous Chinese government and all of its hideous
If you claim that Chinabounder is
not helping then why do not you
dogs of the hideous Chinese government help out China's poor and needy instead.....Since you
are most concerned with this nation's problems why wasting time
and posting all the lies about our
good Chinabouder.
You dogs of the hideous Chinese
government could instead use your time helping out and solving the
problems of hideous China!!
----TO our sincere Chinabounder,
I am very glad you have mentioned
all that is going wrong with China. I am sorry that so many
hideous dogs of the hideous Chinese government have attacked you. Please keep posting your truths and give the cowardly Chinese people the courage to protest against all the injustices that the hideous Chinese government have done them.
I sincerely hope that it would be people like you who are ruling China instead of the fake and hideous Communist leaders!!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent post, and 100% spot on!

Anonymous said...

You are just a stupid white trash, you brought such a shame to your country. so, just go back to your fucking country before you die...

Anonymous said...

---To the anonymouses and all the other dogs of the Chinese government, please back off! !
You know Chinabounder has laid out
the truths about hideous China and
hideous Chinese people, therefore
stop directing the sincere readers's attentions away from the
truths of the hideous Chinese government and all of its hideous
If you claim that Chinabounder is
not helping then why do not you
dogs of the hideous Chinese government help out China's poor and needy instead.....Since you
are most concerned with this nation's problems why wasting time
and posting all the lies about our
good Chinabouder.
You dogs of the hideous Chinese
government could instead use your time helping out and solving the
problems of hideous China!!
----TO our sincere Chinabounder,
I am very glad you have mentioned
all that is going wrong with China. I am sorry that so many
hideous dogs of the hideous Chinese government have attacked you. Please keep posting your truths and give the cowardly Chinese people the courage to protest against all the injustices that the hideous Chinese government have done them.
I sincerely hope that it would be people like you who are ruling China instead of the fake and hideous Communist leaders!!!

Anonymous said...

Many ways to get Fucked in the United States, Without Orgasm cont.
6. Rich People - Doesn't matter if you are new money or old money, you will turn in all your money, while United fucking States comes in your face and delivers a close-to-nothing tax return along with a note that promises NO ORGASM. Boys and girls, once you have break that high tier barrier you are destinied to be fucked in your rear by the glorious tax system. Although poor people thinks that the wealthy pay less taxes compared to what the rest pay, think again. Even the daily cars deep-pockets purchase comes with lux tax and import tax.

7. African Americans - Knee-grows have been ensalved, freed, slain and made profitable. We call it The Minority Result - with no PROMISE OF ORGASM. They were pretty much denied and treated worst than piggies. What did they do about it? Other than making fun of themselves as a commedian on the stage, driving $400 cars with $1500 rims, shotting and robbing people, claiming to be a pimp om mtv, foreclosing their houses, and leaning like a cholo. Nothing else really. Ever since Martin Luther King started and pretty much ended the movement, Knee-grows have not been discriminated! IN FACT, THEY ARE what we call it, reverse discrimination / self-fulfilling prophcy. They think everyone is holding gruges against them, therefore reacts socially retardedly in the first place. Michael Jackson for example, a great dancer, but he realized that in order to make money here, HE HAS TO TURN WHITE. literally. Knew-grows always think someone is out there to get them, but hey, if you didn't steal my mother fucking TV why would the cops be on your ass? Great fucking combination, Knew-grows get anal hand jobed done for free by white policemen all the time, provoking their g-spots with latax gloves with no PROMISES of ORGASM.

8. Small Japanese Bitches Driving Huge Mother Fucking SUVs- We are actually fucked this time, not them. WHILE these people CAN'T SEE, they can certianlly still remember the way of the samurai, the codes of BUSHIDO. Which in modern day translation, rare ends into my mother fucking lowered sports car. Then they exit their cars and bow to you 5000 times. and if you happen to drive a civic and she has a ML, you are fucked. She would be bowing to you at your funeral. The Mercedes has been known to be the most dangous car to drive, BY PEOPLE WHO CAN'T see pass their hello-kitty steering wheel, and eye sight blocked by thunsands of mashi-maros that holds a toilet drainer on their head. We are doomed to die to the road unless these short japs stay out of the big league. Until then, we have to stay away from Jap zones, example, mountians with hair-spin roads (might get hit by tofu-deliver), THE FREEWAY (might get hit by rear-raming SUV) and the parking lot structure (might get hit by drifting jap nubs). One quick thought, shouldn't their insurance policy get a raise periodically? I vote yes. FUCK THE JAPANESE NATION, FUCK THEIR PRIDE, AND FUCK THEIR WOMEN.

Anonymous said...

To the hideous persistant hypocritical moralless dog of the hypocrtical PRC above me...

LOOK AT YOURSELF, what have you turned into? I would not be surprised if your heart is as black as coal even though you may be under guise of a decent human being. I also would not be surprised if you execute your own parents, your own lover, your own children if any of them smeared the honor of your "sacred master". I SUPPOSE NOW YOU KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE A NAMELESS HIDEOUS HYPOCRITICAL DOG OF THE HYPOCRITICAL PRC! Do not deny it! What did PRC give you? YOU SOLD YOUR SOUL AND MAYBE EVEN YOUR BODY TO THE PRC JUST TO MAKE A FEW BUCKS...
To me, even though I have never meet you, you are always an hideous dog of the PRC...

If you and your "sacred untouchable master" care so much about China and its cowardly people, you and your "sacred untouchable master" would stop wasting your time just to get back at me and instead using that time to help out solving such hideous problems of China.

...AT least I do not go around every website, spreading PRC propaganda. But you are different because YOU A NAMELESS HYPOCRITCAL DOG OF THE HYPOCRITCAL PRC!!!

Anonymous said...

little cocksuckers body really gives a shit about what you said.I am in england now,fuck white pussy once a week.

Anonymous said...

you yankees and chinese are both on the same disgusting low level. both of you are low. both sides, the yankees with their superiority complex and the chinese with their inferiority complex deserve no sympathy.


The Diva said...

You know, I am looking forward to maybe bumping into you in the streets when I travel to Shanghai next time, and have you to spot on me--oh I'm a catch and you'd recognize me when you lay your eyes on me. I'd become your prey, or what if it's the other way around?

--the Chinese Diva

ChinaBounder's email: said...

‘I'd become your prey, or what if it's the other way around?’

Then I’d be delighted. So I hope to see you on the streets of Shanghai soon. Piano. Jazz. Violin. Fight Club. Wow, my kind of woman… We should arrange a date at JZ Club…

Though you’ve only just got going on your blog, I like what you have written so far. I hope you will keep it up.

The Diva said...

lol i dont want ppl to go crazy bout how we arrange dates here. but I WILL keep writing.

maybe i'm a sociopath lol. Keep your eyes on me~

--the Diva

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You had a job in China and Chinese people liked you.

But you turned out to be a wolf in disguise

Kwangz said...


Anonymous said...

well you dont need to be a foreigner to get lots of fucking in shanghai. if you dont get laid every night with different woman in a city with 8 million pussies, you are the loser.
i am short, fat, ugly, bald, and smell but i still screw different women every week.

Anonymous said...

son of bitch

Anonymous said...

you such a stupid idiot guys...

you are already a 30+ guy but with nothing accomplished. the only thing you have done is get fucking some stupid girl in china. How sad is you life, you wait your precious young life in China, just like me, get a PhD at top one university in the world. start up a glory professional career, be proud of UK!

you such a loser.
stupid ass hole.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Dude, you are an absolute ASSHOLE, but you're making some good points. What's your game? Are you trying to inflame public opinion in the West, in China, both, or are you just trying to put out an yellow-fever version of "My Secret Life"?

Whatever it is, I'm sure that the blogosphere is so captivated by your ballsy insanity to keep watching.'re fucking CRAZY.

Anonymous said...

This is the funniest thing ever, and I'm Chinese myself

Seriously, if you're Asian and can speak english you're obviously overseas Asians and can't possibly take this seriously

What's with all the Chinese media attention about some blogger? Who cares. There's probably a blog like this for every other country, you don't even know if he's telling the truth

Stop being so sensitive you mainlanders

Anonymous said...

Fuck China!

benlisquare said...

Dude, fuck you, your ignorance and overestimation of yourself is making many people pissed off. (same with you, hambone.) Fucking hell, you think you're so fucking great.

There will be about a hundred people wanting to bash the shit out of you now. I have traced your IP address: and all I need to do now is to find your Internet Service Provider and location. From there, I can either email trace you, or page-bomb for your phone number, and then all of China will know where you fucking live, you cocksucker. Perhaps the voyages you describe in China are actually in your dreams, where rather you wish to hide the stark reality of you sucking men's cock all day every day.

Fuck American Imperialism. Fuck Caucasian "Supremacy".

Anonymous said...

The Global Management Machine is opressive and corrupt, end of story whether it's China, America, Britain, Japan... What CB said about China is true. You can see how true it is by how hurt so many people commenting on his blog are. And the sad thing is that most of those comlaining and calling him names aren't calling for his blood for what he says about the abuses of power. They're calling for blood because they're jealous because they aren't getting laid while he is.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that you write in a ironic way and I like it. I am in Taiwan and deeply hope that what you said are not truths if China want to take over us...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i don't know WHAT to make of all this??
I am coming to China soon and have been reading MANY sites about Chinese society and multi-cultural interaction and doing 'google' searches to pick up the 'vibe' of what Expats and the Chinese have to say about foreigners and locals alike!

This all worries me...
I have been married, I have had several Long lasting relationships and am considered educated, funny, good company and more than average handsome (not my words OK!)
I am fascinated by China, i have always found Chinese women to be beautiful (I also find many other nationalities beautiful too)
I understand that cost of living and standards for many (not all) native chinese could be better and that foreign nationals in comparison (sometimes) lead a hedonistic lifestyle at the expense of the local chinese women.
I don't like what i read about young women being exploited by old, fat perverted westerners and certainly don't like the way some people are talking about chinese women as if they are just put on earth for their amusement.
However, if a man (or woman) WANTS to have a consenting adult relationship (short-term or long-term) with either a foreign national or Chinese local then that is their business and decision! ALL and any other opinionated bull-shit just adds to the problem and gives both westerners and locals a bad name and reputation!

I am white, British, 40, my recent BRITISH girlfriend was 24. We have just parted after 4 years together as very good friends. I see no reason why older men shouldn't be with younger women if both are happy!
I for one think that any man would and should appreciate beauty and beautiful women and not degenerate them when they encounter it.
treat others as you want others to treat you!


Anonymous said...

So you are writing this because you now couldn't get laid? I mean, it probably took you a day to come with something that resembles a Master's thesis.

And you think the authorities are hunting you down for writing some figment of your imagination? What are you, 12?

You are full of yourself man. Laid off the pipe, the chatroom porn, and go out and get laid. Oh, that didn't work, I forgot.

In case you are curious, I'm black, employed at the local Morgan Stanley office, and put guys like you to shame on a nightly basis. Enjoy the self-serving poetry, whiteboy.

Anonymous said...

China bounder, you are just one fucking loser in your "homeland", and all you are doing now is finding an excuse for your loser-self and a escape from your own true life, your life back home. So fuck off and get a damn fucking life.

Anonymous said...

I used to at least respect that I thought Chinabounder was open to truth and being brutally honest, however seeing that he's deleted the comments from the past month, I think he's just an insecure little boy who plays 'earmuffs' when he doesn't like what he hears.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that a lot of romantic success by expats here has nothing to do with you, but the fact that some or many Asians have White worship, self hate, and inferiority complex. This is why there are so many disporportionately attractive pairs with a young girl whose face is beaming like she won a prize or something, and a White guy who is most likely fat, old, bald, wimpy, awkward, or a social reject from his home nation. Some or many of you are social predators taking advantage of Asians who are obsessed with branding and prestige (and brainwashed by the global media machine the 'brands' Whites as the best).

Anonymous said...

Are Asian men more sexist and chauvinistic compared to Middle Eastern, Latin, Anglo/American, Jewish orthodox, or Christian fundamentalist men?

In my opinion, yes Asian countries, just like all countries in the world, have gender problems and issues that go back a long time in many cultures. However, Western mass media constantly stereotypes, and thus influences millions, on the idea that Asian men are somehow way more sexist or chauvinist or oppressive than the average male.

This gives some White males what I call 'White Knight' syndrome, and also gives some self-hating, brainwashed Asian girls a convenient excuse to hide their White worship. Hell, almost all of Uncle Tom Amy Tan's books, like 'Joy Luck Club', pander to White audiences by reinforcing this sexist oppressive stereotype, and paint White men as the saviors. 'Miss Saigon' is another example. It's like feminism gone totally byserk because it's mixed in with White worship and Asian men bashing, which feminists of other typically cultures don't do (specifically blame their culture of men instead of see it as a global gender issue across many cultures). For example, when's the last major movie you saw by a Middle Eastern feminist that totally bashes M.E. men, and where all the women marry White guys?

From my own personal experience which is based on mostly Chinese families, I think the myth is false. In Asia, most TV commercials cater to women, you never see advertisements for things that guys like, most of the movies are chick flicks or soap opera type stories, and all entertainment has a 'cutesy' girly feel and content that caters to females. I've also seen almost all Chinese moms totally boss and control their sons, and totally control their husbands, and most women control almost all the money in the household. People who've been to places like Shanghai know that most men do all the cooking and cleaning, the women act like princesses.

In Chinese culture, women never change their last names, every Chinese woman I met who was addressed in Mandarin was to her Maiden name, never the husband's last name like in Western society. Chinese women on a per capita basis work more than White women. Chinese women are often-times depicted as strong heroines in Chinese films, whereas White women are basically the sex interest in most White movies.

I will say I don’t know enough about Japan to deny that they may be sexist, however I would contend that that it’s related to them emulating Western/White sexism and Western chauvinism going all the way back to the days of Meiji Restoration and emulating Whites (and not catching as much as much after the West changed due to feminism).

Additionally, some superiority complex White Knights bring up foot binding, as evidence of horrible Asian male oppression. Yet when is the last time you heard White men accused of being sexist and oppressive for tight suffocating corsets, or for metal chastity belts, or even painful plastic surgery in modern times? Foot binding was sad, but just like with beauty treatments White women used to do and still do, these kinds of practices are really pushed by other women, thinking that's what men like (which is a global gender issue, not a specifically 'horrible Asian men' issue).

Finally, consider animal mating. Men are biologically programmed to spread their seed; a male-dominated culture will have men with more multiple partners without childrearing responsibility. A female dominated culture will have less 'player mentality' and more emphasis on childrearing. Now, of all the cultures in the world, do Asian cultures fit the former or latter? This paragraph is also related to what a poster name kwak said in a different thread, about Asian women in Asia seeming more romantically naive; if this is true, I believe it is because there is less 'player mentality' in Asia compared to the West.

Anonymous said...

Are Asian men more sexist and chauvinistic compared to Middle Eastern, Latin, Anglo/American, Jewish orthodox, or Christian fundamentalist men?

In my opinion, yes Asian countries, just like all countries in the world, have gender problems and issues that go back a long time in many cultures. However, Western mass media constantly stereotypes, and thus influences millions, on the idea that Asian men are somehow way more sexist or chauvinist or oppressive than the average male.

This gives some White males what I call 'White Knight' syndrome, and also gives some self-hating, brainwashed Asian girls a convenient excuse to hide their White worship. Hell, almost all of Uncle Tom Amy Tan's books, like 'Joy Luck Club', pander to White audiences by reinforcing this sexist oppressive stereotype, and paint White men as the saviors. 'Miss Saigon' is another example. It's like feminism gone totally byserk because it's mixed in with White worship and Asian men bashing, which feminists of other typically cultures don't do (specifically blame their culture of men instead of see it as a global gender issue across many cultures). For example, when's the last major movie you saw by a Middle Eastern feminist that totally bashes M.E. men, and where all the women marry White guys?

From my own personal experience which is based on mostly Chinese families, I think the myth is false. In Asia, most TV commercials cater to women, you never see advertisements for things that guys like, most of the movies are chick flicks or soap opera type stories, and all entertainment has a 'cutesy' girly feel and content that caters to females. I've also seen almost all Chinese moms totally boss and control their sons, and totally control their husbands, and most women control almost all the money in the household. People who've been to places like Shanghai know that most men do all the cooking and cleaning, the women act like princesses.

In Chinese culture, women never change their last names, every Chinese woman I met who was addressed in Mandarin was to her Maiden name, never the husband's last name like in Western society. Chinese women on a per capita basis work more than White women. Chinese women are often-times depicted as strong heroines in Chinese films, whereas White women are basically the sex interest in most White movies.

I will say I don’t know enough about Japan to deny that they may be sexist, however I would contend that that it’s related to them emulating Western/White sexism and Western chauvinism going all the way back to the days of Meiji Restoration and emulating Whites (and not catching as much as much after the West changed due to feminism).

Additionally, some superiority complex White Knights bring up foot binding, as evidence of horrible Asian male oppression. Yet when is the last time you heard White men accused of being sexist and oppressive for tight suffocating corsets, or for metal chastity belts, or even painful plastic surgery in modern times? Foot binding was sad, but just like with beauty treatments White women used to do and still do, these kinds of practices are really pushed by other women, thinking that's what men like (which is a global gender issue, not a specifically 'horrible Asian men' issue).

Finally, consider animal mating. Men are biologically programmed to spread their seed; a male-dominated culture will have men with more multiple partners without childrearing responsibility. A female dominated culture will have less 'player mentality' and more emphasis on childrearing. Now, of all the cultures in the world, do Asian cultures fit the former or latter? This paragraph is also related to what a poster name kwak said in a different thread, about Asian women in Asia seeming more romantically naive; if this is true, I believe it is because there is less 'player mentality' in Asia compared to the West.

Anonymous said...

THank you for doing that.once most of the Chinese people know how shitty and immoral u white trash are,they will castrate u and kick u back to ur fucking little country.

Anonymous said...


小南的部落格 said...

I am a Chinese student in U.S. I agree to a great extent what you commented on problems of present China, regardless of the way you depicted it. Sorta as "tough love" to embrace.

Keep up your insightful work!

Anonymous said...

that is a good article for you...

i think you should join the swinger club.. would be more fun and no drama, unless you like to break people's heart..
and how old are you by the way..

Anonymous said...

Hey, do u have any reference to fuck Chinese girls during China visit? I would really appreciate any credible reference. U can email me on shek.har.c200.4[AT]gmail[DOT]com. Thanks in advance!

Anonymous said...

A designing idiot try to fool people to become a fool like he is.

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous, it´s people like you who embarrass all westerners in asian countries. Try integrating yourselves, understanding the local culture rather than concentrating solely on "fucking" chinese women. Shame on you all.


Anonymous said...






TO BE NAMED as "dogS".




EATING BUGs". That is so true!


THAT i wonder anyone would ever

want to be with you.

You little communist stink bugs,

please do not embarrass yourself


And yeah, please














at least even your leaders do not

even suck up to others as much as

you communist shiting-bugs do.




"small-eyed, shit-loving communist

stink bugs!", do not ever think

you are so important or anything,

you are nothing, YOU DO NOT EVEN


WORSE THAN FUCKED. I scoff at you,

there are 1.8 billion

Chinese people, so don't you ever

think you are irreplaceable!


I got you another time China

do have the world's largest population, YOU CAN'T DENY THAT.

Yeah go ahead, and embarrass





you litte worthless "shits" make

me think that all Chinese people

are unloving, brutal, and

disrespect of others






COMMENTS FROM Little "worthless

communist shit-eating bugs" like

you turn people into racists against the Chinese people.




YOUR "CURSES" and unforgiving,

unloving comments to people of

other nationalities.

How are you expecting people of

other nationalities to

love Chinese if you keep on

verbally attacking people of

other nationalities and have no

respect for their countries?

Other countries do have flaws

and so does China.









Pollution and hatred affects everyone and every place.

Anonymous said...

I've barely come across this shitty blog but for one u singling out chinese women as "easy" to have sex with and that are less demanding come on there are bitches like that in every race what about he white bitch who fucks the slave nigger because she cant get out? how about the latin bitch who fucks at 15 and has a kid? black chicks are freaks they like to bone...if u have a fetish for chinese chicks thats fine but the way you try to seperate em is stupid just like your mom for having u...if i was your dad i would have sent the tubes after u alot time ago ;)

Anonymous said...

Chinabounder: I only have one question: Since everything in China is so bad in your eyes, and you hate this country and its people so much, why not just leave? Is't that a salvation for you from your hatred and your inner turmoil? Do you have other choice? Can you get a decent woman in your own country?

Having to stay in a place you don't belong to, and have to see people you hate every day, you are completely a loser, are you?

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

This is a great site. Thank you for your information. I THANK YOU I SALUTE YOU IT,S A AMZING SITE.

Anonymous said...

some people make loud curses while fucking or getting fucked. this is an example. they pretend they hate the thing they are doing. that's it.

Anonymous said...

Damn you, a white pig! A Rubbish in the world!

It's not a prblem to get fucked in any country, this is not a strange thing, but what is difference is that you rubiish get all these rubbish action out of your rubbish mouth !

You are one of the rubbish everywhere in the world, we can easy find you rubbish everywhre ! every country !

Anonymous said...

Why don't you just go back to your own homeland as you are making us very ashamed at the moment. Maybe your mother is the one that really needed to be screwed.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous (4:32pm) may be aggravated sometimes in his comments, but unlike Chinabounder who is really a fake - Anonymous is true and is not an exploiter. CB may be accurate in many aspects about a largely not-so-smart developing China, but everything he has said can be just summed up into nothing other than shallow, well- disguised glorification of himself (and the more developed minds of the west) and Hong Kong. Women in HK are nothing like the gullible and easily-baited women in mainland China (I hope that's any consolation to Anonymous)

Anonymous said...

Ha! Exactly! Just wondering why the polizei haven't rounded you up for stating the obvious. Hahahaha! The Lao Wai make the Chinese women happy. The local (men) bitch about us, but their wives/daughters love us. Haha, Hu Jintao, tell your kids their dad says "hi"!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we don't spit, we don't pick our noses in public. We just fuck the gook out of your women, be they young or old. I think I fucked the yellow off of someone's wife/girlfriend in Changzhou. Come on, say something to me about it. I'm a big fat foreigner who will end your little Chink life. Besides, it was the best dicking mama-san ever got...

Anonymous said...

Well of course she got fucked pretty hard when someone (Chinese) tried to drown her for being a "Girl". It's not the same as someone (Lao Wai) actually fucking her hard for being an attractive girl.

See, the foreigners appreciate the pretty girls, while the local men (let's call them monkeys) only care about male children. They're all inbred retards, but they're boys. They can carry on the name (in a retarded/inbred way).

Enjoy your traditional Chinese Sausage-fest. Us Lao Wai will continue to violate your women-folk in a most enjoyable way. When Chinese dicks falter, we'll be there. Wherever a woman cries out for a real man, we'll be there. Whenever somone's daughter wonders what a REAL penis feels like, we'll be there. Wherever a Chinese woman questions her CPC husband's heterosexuality, we'll be there. We'll fuck your nasty, gap-toothed, bi-curious, women; So you don't have to.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I like China's women. Why? Because I'm one of those stupid "Army" folks from America and I like bestiality. I'd gladly fuck dogs and horses and such, but they have standards. Chinese women on the other hand...

Anonymous said...

I do hate China, its people, and everything about it. Why don't
I leave? Because my company is all about getting YOUR companies to pollute here, to fuck the workers here, to fuck the system here. Our pollution is your toxic bread-and-butter. I go to sleep at night chuckling about YOUR kids sucking MY waste. Mmmmm...melamine milk. The "Dragon" can't afford real food. Be grateful I even deign to shit here.

Anonymous said...

truth is, the "naive" chinese girls got your MONEY (think how you got n check how much u still get) and FUCKED you!

u r such a poor thing!

Anonymous said...

China is the most fucked up shit in the whole fucked up fucking goddam motherfucking whore whole fucking shit world fuck fuck.

Anonymous said...

I bet most of you white rash on this site are 40 year old paedophiles who are desparately in the need to get laid by a young attractive women in your own homeland but unfortunately it does not bold well because you white trash are fat, ugly, lazy, social outcasts who are too ugly to get even the ugliest women in your country, you only come to China to get laid because you cant in your homeland, i think the CPC really should do something about the prostitution in China and hope you white trash can die without getting a touch of a pussy...PS: most of you white weirdo faggots on this are ugly, fat fuckers with no life and i think your parents really should've considered an abortion.

Anonymous said...

I've been to China a number of times. I have even learnt to speak Chinese. I can agree that China is fucked up. The government have very firm control over the people and the people are happy to just be sheep because they have never known any other way. If you ask Chinese people about any one of the governments barbaric policies they will either not talk about it or agree that the government is doing the right thing. It's messed up!

James said...

CCP will not stop prostitution - they get a cut of all the procceeds and run all the whore house in China. Chinese woman only wants white or black dude, you Chinese men have tiny dicks no Chinese girls wants you. China is a shithole dump of a country. 50% of all commercial offices now sit empty in China. "China booming" ha ha ha. CCP poopaganda. China is a backward fetus-eating nation. I would rather visit Japan any day. If you are an American, boycott all Chinese products and let's SHUT THEIR FACTORIES DOWN.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, of course, your fucking american country is truly the land of freedom, oportunities and charity, where noone ever gets fucked, where you don't even know what a public health system is, and of course where all the trues and goodness belong. The country where you get so bored killing your own people that you have to go out and make up stupid wars based on nothing.

That might be the reason why you are always fucking up the rest of the world, so that you might rest at your stupid sofa and say "it's worse out there".

Like someone said up there, looks like you tried to get laid to some chinese girl and she refused you.


Anonymous said...

If you silly illiterate ever had actually travel into China, then you should know they hate black people, and almost no chinese girl would ever have anything with black dudes.
Also, you might also know by now that every single chinese lady who had shown any bit of an interest on you, she had done so on your wallet, not your sad weenie.

Every fucking time you american big jerks open your stupid mouth, you said nothing but nonsenses.

Go waste your time to something more practical rather than fucking about "close their factories" (which are producing 80% of what you touch, moron!).

Why don't you read a book instead? Well, that supposing you have the ability to do...

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of guys pissed off in these posts. I am amazed at how pissed off Chinese guys are about Chinese girls dating foreigners. Are you pissed off about Chinese guys dating foreigners? Probably not. Because of insecurity obviously. I recommend you all beef up your self esteem.

No one is really challenging the truth in the original posts. Mainly because the people posting don't have access to free internet and genuinely think the posts are false. If you read closely you would see that the article is accurate and that the author is trying to help you. He is not a hater. A China lover. Only a China lover would take this much crap to tell brainwashed people the truth.

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Australia,

I love China and the Chinese people. I lived there for 3 years until 2009. I return twice a year. I am always treated with total courtesy and respect and never been ripped off. Clearly, Mr Chinabounder is a frustrated and poisonous individual who has obviously upset some locals and been ostracised as a result. This is his way of getting them back.

Mate, you are a complete and utter loser and it's people like you who give foreigners a bad name. What you don't realise is that although they are too polite to do so to your face, the Chinese you know will be laughing at you!

I showed my Chinese wife this blog and she just shook her head and said "pathetic fool". YES! Chinese wife! I must be a desperado too eh??? LOL....She is an eminent surgeon, strikingly beautiful and loves me very much. I hope you end up on her operating table sometime soon!


Anonymous said...

You people talk too much. Anyways, is it easy to get a root in Shanghai? I don't mind paying...

Anonymous said...

You all disgust me. The intellects and the idiots alike.